Keeping land well drained no only allows crops to flourish but it also means that the land is accessible to machinery at all times, making sure that you can continue on with the work that you need to do. This is the most effective and economical way of substantially improving crop yields so that you get the very best out of your land. Our Trenching machines offer a perfect solution in ensuring your land stays well drained. LAND DRAINAGE TRENCHERS


We are working around the world with 58 years of expert

Since 1964, the brand name GRABENMEISTER has stood for technically sophisticated and mature trenching machines which we sell worldwide. Our many years of experience are your guarantee for know-how, service and reliable machines.

Land Drainage Trenchers
Rental Trenchers
Underground Cable Trencher
Used Trencher


With our experience, side and collector drainage and infiltration systems can now be installed in ground-level, open trenches. Land drainage trenchers


Trencher Comparison Table

Trenchers for tough digging conditions For tractors with vario transmission or a creeper gearbox. The ideal tool to quickly install sophisticated drainage systems, as and when you need it.


Spare Parts

Most standard wearing parts for LIBA machines are stock items which enables us to quickly despatch items worldwide to keep your downtime to a minimum.


The beauty of the GM 1 AF tractor milling machine is that it is easy to handle. It is mounted on the rear of a tractor using a three-point linkage and performs reliably.


The laying of cables and pipes plays an important role both in house building and in the agricultural use of land.

GM 140 H

Among many other factors, the right tools and machines play a decisive role in Germany’s digital expansion.

Land Drainage Trenchers


From agriculture and horticulture to sports and recreational areas, LIBA drainage trenchers provide the power, precision and productivity our customers rely on, no matter how tough the climate or ground conditions.

Fibre optic cable laying

The fibre optic network for fast Internet is becoming increasingly important in Germany and around the world.

Drainage pipe laying with trench cutters

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Milling of cable trenches in civil engineering

When milling the cable trenches, the main focus is on the special variants of cable laying.

With trenchers from LIBA, laying cables is simple and efficient.

Liba’s range features pioneering engineering for efficient, reliable and cost-effective performance in diverse sub-surface and drainage applications.See for yourself. We have prepared numerous videos on cable laying for you.

News & Media

admin März 30 2022
Backfilling augers

Optimising the filling process with backfilling augersBackfilling augers screws are important and frequently used accessories

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admin März 27 2022
GM 1800 P grave master drain

GM 1800P Grave Master Drain Drainage work can be done very well with the GM

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admin März 27 2022
GM 300 HF heavy milling trencher

Completing heavy milling jobs effortlessly with the GM 300 heavy milling trencher For large projects

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Watch our Videos


3 Videos
LIBA trencher GM 140 AFH 500 for tractors | mounted trencher

The LIBA trencher GM 140 AFH 500 is the ideal machine for making trenches for fibre optic cables. Fast, simple and cost-effective.

Working flexibly with the GM 140 AFH-500 excavator mounted milling machine

Flexibility is particularly important for milling work. Because working conditions on site are not always perfect. Occasionally, there are obstacles in the way or a trench needs to be dug along an embankment or slope. In all these cases, it is helpful to use a milling machine that is as flexible as possible and adapts to these different conditions. The GM 140 AFH-500 excavator mounted milling machine does just that. It offers the greatest possible freedom of movement during operation and can be adapted to various ground and working conditions.


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